We want sound on Sundays to be consistent regardless of who is running sound. The person running the board is a worship leader and plays the “loudest” and perhaps most integral instrument. You are helping lead people in worship by creating the sonic environment. Though running sound can be subjective, we are trying to minimize that by landing on a few key things:

  1. Corporate worship is about participation. The levels should be loud enough that people feel that they can sing out, but not so loud that their ears are hurting. As a general rule, the overall level should sit somewhere between 98-105db, with the loudest portions of songs OK to sit at 110db.
  2. Songs should sound like the song. Be familiar with the songs that we lead. If there is a distinguishable lead instrument in the original recording, that should also cut through the mix. The lead instruments are listed in the weekly Production Order – take note!
  3. Think pyramid of rock. Our style is in the rock genre. Bass and kick are felt more than heard, and provide the foundation for all of the other instruments. Vocals should cut through clearly. Lead vocals are also noted in Planning Center.

<aside> 👂 Be alert.


We love to ask God what He’s doing in a moment. That means that the handheld mics might be used during times not listed in the Production Order. These moments are powerful – we want to be ready to relay those words to our people!