
When I said yes to joining the Antioch Fullerton church plant as Worship Director in January 2014, I immediately started praying for a team. I prayed for true worshipers who worship in spirit and truth, and whose hearts are blameless towards him - those who have been transformed by Him and are never turning back. God promised that he would send an army, and that He would birth a movement.

Together, our goal is to see Jesus lifted high in Fullerton, CA and around the world. We lead worship each Sunday at church, at lifegroup, and other events so that people can enter into the presence of God. It’s there that they are healed, transformed, and set free. We get to help people love God because He first loved us. We point them to Jesus, take them into the throne room, and we use music as the vehicle.

We’re in exciting times, and I’m SO THANKFUL that you’re on this journey with us.

I hope that you find this manual useful and that you reference it often.


Johanna Six Worship Pastor Antioch Community Church - Fullerton

Our Principles

What We Do What God Says How We Do
We lead to serve. Proverbs 27:2; Mark 9:35; Philippians 2:7 We aren't interested in preserving or sustaining a social status. We are willing to help with any task, big or small. We value every part that is played - both seen and unseen.
We lead with passion. Psalm 95:1-2; Psalm 149:1-5 We sing, clap, dance & shout like saved people and show the Church how to worship God the way He showed us.
We lead from identity. 1 John 3:1; 2 Corinthians 3:5 We aren't moved by criticism or accolades. We listen to learn, not to assess our identity
We lead with integrity. Matthew 6:6; Matthew 6:9-13; James 1:22-25; Titus 2:7 We go personally where we want to take people corporately. We do what we're leading people to do. We value the Word of God and personal devotion above all.
We lead with confidence. Hebrews 3:13; Romans 15:13; Ephesians 4:29; Galatians 5:25- 26 We believe the best about one another and encourage one another for the good things we do. We receive encouragement well. We repent quickly of envy and comparison.
We lead in wonder. Romans 12:1; Psalm 90:14; Luke 5:26; Revelation 21:5 We set Jesus and His grace before us daily and we choose to live in the wonder of His goodness for inspiration and a true perspective of life.
We lead in unity 1 Peter 3:8; Philippians 2:14- 15 We choose unity above personal agenda. Not "me" and "my", but "we" and "ours." We step aside to allow others to grow. If the team wins, we all win.
We lead with vision. Matthew 28:19- 20; Isaiah 54:2-3; 1 Corinthians 12:12 We see ourselves as "precedent setters" for our church and movement. We keep the "whole" in our hearts and minds as we serve our part.
We lead with excellence. Colossians 3:23- 24; 2 Corinthians 8:7; Psalm 33:3; 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 As leaders we must constantly improve and try new things. We value preparation to eliminate distraction. Excellence says "You matter" to the ones we serve, first to God, then to His people. We invite feedback and are not easily offended.
We lead in purity. Matthew 5:8; 1 John 3:3 We love that Jesus has freed us from the weight of sin and are determined to remain that way by His grace. We are committed to stay in the light in our personal lives.
We lead as armor-bearers. 1 Samuel 14:7; Hebrews 13:17 We honor our leaders both backstage and on the stage and make it our goal to support them in their leadership.
We lead faithfully. Luke 16:10; Matthew 25:21 Faithfulness is the rule. We honor our commitments.
We lead with discernment. John 14:26; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 14:1- 5; Romans 8:26 We keep to forms for growth, but we value hearing God's voice and following His leadership above all.
We lead in gratitude. Psalm 100:4; Psalm 35:18; Hebrews 12:28 We foster and hone a lifestyle of thankfulness for our salvation and for the opportunity to serve. This gratitude shapes our conversations and checks our temptation to envy
We lead with humility. Proverbs 27:2; Philippinans 2:3- 4 We are the first to admit when we need help. We have no need to boast as we consistently position ourselves as learners

Our Sound

Our sound is going to be ever-evolving depending on what instruments we have available or differ depending on the event. The goal is to play to our strengths and grow in areas that are not natural for us. We will have time to experiment and create our own arrangements, but for the most part, we will use the recorded version of a song as the reference.

In other words, please learn your part as recorded. (Recordings of the chosen arrangements will be uploaded to Planning Center Online for your listening pleasure.) Then, feel free to bring up new arrangement thoughts at rehearsal.

We play a lot of Bethel, Hillsong, and Elevation Worship - so listening to artists like that will be helpful in developing the style we’re going for!

Each instrument fulfills a specific role in our band. There’s some crossover, but for the most part each instrument produces a specific thread in our musical tapestry. For clarity’s sake, here are the general roles for each instrument.



Drums are the foundation. They give dynamics and “feel” to the songs. Certain things you play will bring forth different expressions of praise to God. They lay a foundation for all instruments by keeping time and rhythm. The drummer should follow and anticipate the direction of the worship leader, since they provide the main “felt” energy in dynamic shifts.

Bass Guitar

The bass serves as part of the foundation for the music and makes up the second half of the rhythm section/pocket. The bass player should lock in with the drummer’s rhythm and provide depth, support, and dynamics to the music as a whole. We want to feel you!